The Union of Indigenous Pygmy Women for Integral Development aim to contribute to the improvement of the socioeconomic living conditions of disadvantaged people, particularly Indigenous Pygmy women and girls, youth, and children, through the following pillars: fighting human discrimination and strengthening leadership and entrepreneurship among Indigenous women and youth; promoting respect for human rights, peaceful coexistence, public and reproductive health, as well as peace building; and preserving nature conservation and environmental protection.
Their project will establish five radio clubs composed of nine members each. These radio clubs will work in permanent collaboration with the Indigenous Women's Voice Radio (Radio Sauti ya Mwanamke in Swahili). The objective of the project is to strengthen Indigenous leadership to combat illegal exploitation of transitional minerals through Indigenous media in eastern DRC. The project includes the creation of radio clubs, training workshops for radio club members, and the dissemination of radio programs on Indigenous Peoples' rights and information on mining exploitation; the provision of power supply equipment to the Indigenous Women's Voice Radio to ensure the continuous transmission of project programs; public awareness and dissemination of Law 030 on the protection and promotion of Indigenous Peoples' rights; and field monitoring and evaluation of project activities.