The Maya Ch'orti' Indigenous Council of Olopa is fighting for recognition as Indigenous communities and for the recovery of their spirituality, the defense of their territory, and their right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent to mining projects before they begin. They also seek to minimize the negative impacts of mining activity on the health of the people in their communities, denounce illegal logging, and fight against gender-based violence in their communities.
Their project is aimed at exercising the right to communication of the Indigenous authorities for the defense of human rights in the Maya Ch'orti territory of Olopa Chiquimula. This will be carried out through assemblies of the Maya Ch'orti council to define the organization of the communicators; creating a strategic communication plan of the council of Indigenous Ch'orti authorities; and holding workshops on media in Guatemala, radio and social media, photojournalism, information management, and digital security.
Website: https://comunidadchorti.org/