COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt | 8 November 2022
Press release regarding “Recommendations on activities involving removals under the mechanism established under Article 6 Paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement”
The International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC) gives its preliminary observation of the draft text entitled “Recommendations on activities involving removals under the mechanism established under Article 6 Paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement”.
The IIPFCC collectively urges the draft text to be sent back to the Supervisory Body for improvement. We acknowledge the progress made so far, however, we support the Supervisory Body having a reinforced mandate to keep working on their recommendations. It is our view that the reinforced mandate requires language calling for the delivery of high integrity methodologies that respect human rights and the rights of indigenous Peoples.
We recognise that there is urgency upon the Supervisory Body, however we struggle to find confidence in the work of the Supervisory Body which has been, due to significant time pressure, unable to engage meaningfully with relevant stakeholders in pursuit of their mandates by the CMA. We are concerned that due to these inadequate practices, the recommendations do not promise a strong foundation that ensures the highest environmental integrity and human rights safeguards.
The IIPFCC continuously reminds Parties that there is a universal support from Parties for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), and that Parties have recommitted to upholding the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples Outcome Document (2014).
We therefore continue to call upon Parties and the Supervisory Body to honour and uphold the rights of Indigenous Peoples and ensure that our rights inform the interpretation of all provisions under Article 6.4, and it should also minimise and, where possible, avoid negative environmental and social impacts.