The 5th annual workshop of Rising Voices: Collaborative Science with Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Solutions will be held at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado from 13-15 April, 2017. The workshop will be convened in partnership with Cultural Survival and the International Indian Treaty Council.
The theme of the 5th Rising Voices workshop is “Pathways from Science to Action.” Through collaborative research presentations and group discussions we will develop specific pathways to move from science to action for climate adaptation at local, national, and international levels. Rising Voices seeks to diversify scientific research and inform culturally appropriate solutions to weather and climate extremes with a focus on Indigenous science. The fifth workshop will be an opportunity to address the climate change issues and solutions impacting Indigenous communities globally and to reflect on lessons learned and best practices gleaned from the first five years of Rising Voices. Workshop participants will address the key question: What are the collaborative pathways to create more diverse science and to move from science to action? Through new partnerships, Rising Voices 5 will contribute to the 16th meeting of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
To attend Rising Voices 5 please register by January 31, 2017 at https://www.regonline.com/risingvoices5
Limited travel funding is available. Only those who register by January 31 will be considered for funding.
Optional event: A National Science Foundation supported, Indigenous-led training workshop for scientists (students and professionals) who are interested in learning the principles and practices for ethical and effective collaboration with Indigenous peoples will be held immediately before Rising Voices 5 on 12 April also at NCAR in Boulder. Please indicate if you would like to attend this training in your registration for Rising Voices 5, and we will send you more information about what the workshop entails. (Unfortunately, funding is not available to cover the additional night of accommodation to attend the training workshop).
For information about Rising Voices, please visit the website (https://risingvoices.ucar.edu/) or contact: Heather Lazrus (hlazrus@ucar.edu); Julie Maldonado (jkmaldo@gmail.com); Bob Gough (gough.bob@gmail.com)
For information about Cultural Survival, please contact: Suzanne Benally (sbenally@culturalsurvival.org) or Danielle Deluca (danielle@cs.org)
For information about the training workshop, please contact: Kyle Whyte (kwhyte@msu.edu)