On August 2, 2017, one of Cultural Survival’s partner radio stations, Radio Jolom Konob’ of Santa Eulalia, Huehuetenango, Guatemala, hosted the visit of Jesus Orozco, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders and Edison Lanza, Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, both from the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. The Rapporteurs came to listen to the situation of Indigenous Peoples’ rights violations in the region.
Lorenzo Lopez, director of Radio Jolom Konob’, expressed that in 2015 Edison Lanza learned about the violation of freedom of expression in Santa Eulalia when the radio station was shut down by local officials. During the same year, many journalists were criminalized for speaking out. For decades in Guatemala commercial media has represented only the interests of the wealthy and has even manipulated information on community efforts to defend their rights and natural resources. Commercial media does not reflect local realities of local Indigenous communities
“Criminalization is usually accompanied by stigma. Stigma allows for exaggerations and manipulation of information about a specific group. Your demands for Free, Prior and Informed Consent search for peace rather than conflict. Conflict and escalation of conflict happens when this consultation does not take place. The Inter-American Commission is committed to community media, especially community radio as they are essential tools for your community. No commercial or massive media would be willing to cover this event or forum. It is community radio that are here to cover this event,” stated Lanza during the visit noting the importance of community radio for promoting human rights.