On April 17-28, 2023, the 22nd session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) took place. This year’s session theme focused on “Indigenous Peoples, human health, planetary and territorial health and climate change: a rights-based approach."
Cultural Survival was on the ground working to amplify Indigenous voices and Indigenous-led solutions. We partnered with the UNPFII on running the Indigenous Media Zone, hosted and cohosted several side events, parallel events, and discussions, and supported our partners in their advocacy efforts by organizing meetings with several government missions. Thank you to all who crossed paths with us and collaborated with us!

Watch the Opening Ceremony and Press Conference
The recording of the Opening Ceremony of the 22nd Session of the UNPFII is available here
Watch the press conference here.

Members of the Securing Indigenous Peoples' Rights in the Green Economy (SIRGE) Coalition: Pavel Sulyandziga (Udege) - Batani Foundation, Lesley Muñoz Rivera (Colla) - Observatorio Plurinacional de Salares Andinos, Christoph Wiedmer - Society for Threatened Peoples, Kate Finn (Osage), First Peoples Worldwide, and Galina Angarova (Buryat), Cultural Survival, speaking at the Indigenous Media Zone.
Watch the Livestreams from the Indigenous Media Zone of the UNPFII
If you missed the livestreams, you can still access all of them on our facebook page.

Avex Cojti (Maya K'iche'), Cultural Survival Director of Programs, interviewing Francisco Cali Tzay (Maya K'iche'), UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Listen to Interviews with Indigenous Leaders
Read Interventions Made and Submitted by Cultural Survival and Partners