Join Us for Our 48th Season of Indigenous Arts and Cultures
December 4, 2024 - Boston, MA. Indigenous Peoples’ rights organization Cultural Survival is pleased to announce the return of its beloved holiday event, the Cultural Survival Bazaar, an annual festival of Indigenous arts and cultures, on December 5-8, 2024, at the Prudential Center in Boston.
The Cultural Survival Bazaars have been an annual Boston area holiday tradition for nearly five decades. Started by Harvard University Anthropologist David Maybury-Lewis and his wife, Pia, the first Bazaar was held in 1975 at Harvard University in an effort to educate the public about Indigenous Peoples and the issues they were facing. The Cultural Survival Bazaar was a result of the Maybury-Lewises’ passion for uplifting Indigenous Peoples, strengthening Indigenous cultures, supporting Indigenous-led solutions, and working towards securing Indigenous Peoples’ rights. The Maybury-Lewises recognized the importance of Indigenous artists being able to sell their art directly to an American market.
The Cultural Survival Bazaars provide an opportunity for the public to interact with Indigenous people and experience a different worldview. With a rich tapestry of arts and crafts from around the world, shoppers are sure to find something both unique and meaningful during this gift giving season. When purchasing arts and crafts from Indigenous artists and cooperatives, shoppers contribute to supporting millennia-old traditions and lifeways of Indigenous communities. Each year, the Bazaars generate close to $500,000 for Indigenous artists, performers, and projects benefiting Indigenous communities worldwide.
With free admission, the greater Boston community is invited to enjoy the annual event honoring Indigenous talent and traditions through handmade art, demonstrations, music, and dance. Enjoy jewelry, clothing, accessories, carpets, housewares, paintings, sculptures, and more from Indigenous artists and cooperatives from 30+ countries spanning 6 continents. Some of the participating artists include award-winning silver jewelry artist, Serzhan Bashirov (Naiman-Baizhigit) from Kazakhstan; intricate, popotillo grass painters Roberto Mejía Muñoz and Patricia García (Nahuatl) from Mexico; bark cloth processor, Afri-Root Collective (Baganda) from East Africa.
The Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers will perform on Saturday, December 7, at 4:00 pm. Eventgoers can experience live art demonstrations by beader Tia-Alexi Roberts (Narragansett), historian Drew Shuptar-Rayvis (Pocomoke), master jeweler Serzhan Bashirov (Naiman-Baizhigit), feather artist Rubén Flores Apaez (Nahua), and many more.
Bazaar Events Manager Candyce Testa (Pequot) invites you to “become a part of the Cultural Survival Bazaar experience. When you shop Indigenous, you support Indigenous lifeways, and you honor our ancestral connection to Mother Earth. As you enter the Bazaar, you'll be welcomed into a space filled with joy and resilience, where the air is alive with music and the presence of Indigenous vendors and cooperatives sharing their culture and stories. With artists, staff, and volunteers traveling from across the globe to bring this event to life, we are thrilled to be able to share this special Indigenous arts Bazaar with you.”
Wire artist Bernard Domingo (Shona) says, “When I come here, we are family. Cultural Survival has done so many things for me and my group. They promote the Indigenous people like my Shona Tribe, only found in a certain area in Subama. Cultural Survival changed my life.”
Cultural Survival Executive Director Aimee Roberson (Choctaw and Chickasaw) explains, “The Bazaars are an important part of what we do at Cultural Survival because they bring people together from around the world who are representing Indigenous communities. It gives us an opportunity to start building relationships with Indigenous people who might be interested in our other programs. It's also a way for our organization to spread the word about Indigenous communities and their beautiful arts, their cultures, but also the struggles that they're facing. It's really a part of a much bigger picture of what we do at Cultural Survival to support Indigenous communities.”
Enjoy an atmosphere that pays respect to ancient craft and tradition while welcoming the opportunity to learn from and connect with Indigenous artists. This holiday season, shop Indigenous!
High-resolution photos available upon request.
Event Information:
December 5-8, 2024
The Prudential Center
Belvidere Arcade, Next to Post Office
800 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02199
December 5-7: 11am - 9pm
December 8: 11am - 7pm
Free Admission
Register for the event on eventbrite.