Application Deadline for Concept Proposals: October 18, 2018
The call for proposals is now closed. You will be notified if you are selected to continue to the next phase by Nov. 15th.
In Nepali. In Spanish. In K'iche'.
Cultural Survival is pleased to announce its third Call for Proposals for projects in Indigenous community radio. The Indigenous Community Media Grants Project is part of Cultural Survival’s Community Media Program, with a goal to empower Indigenous-owned and Indigenous-led community radio as a platform to inform, entertain, educate, and organize according to their own needs and collective interests as communities.
The aim for the Indigenous Community Media Grants Project is to strengthen the impact and influence of community radio stations at the local and regional levels in their work towards the revitalization of Indigenous cultures, languages, histories, philosophies, rights, the protection of ancestral territories and natural resources, and the promotion of women’s leadership. Indigenous community radio stations from Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Nepal, Northern India, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa are eligible to apply to this round of funding. Concept notes will be accepted until October 18, 2018.
Concept proposals can be received written, in audio or video in the following languages:
Spanish, English, Russian, Nepali, Sunuwar, Hindi, K’iche’, Mam, Didxazá (Zapoteco del Itsmo).
The maximum funds available for projects is $8000.00 USD.
Funds can be solicited for projects based on the needs of the community and we are open to innovative projects. Cultural Survival is interested in, but not limited to, the following types of projects:
1. Legal processes to access radio frequencies for Indigenous community stations.
2. Institutional development at the radio stations including: strategic planning, development of a board of directors, development of environmental policies, gender policies, design and implementation of evaluation and monitoring systems.
3. Capacity building in technical skills in radio: production, investigative journalism, maintenance of radio equipment.
4. Evaluation of the radio stations reach and the impact of radio programs in the community.
5. Development of radio content on topics related to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), decolonized history of Indigenous Peoples, protection of lands and resources, development of news, Indigenous women’s rights, cultural and ancestral heritage, national legislation affecting Indigenous Peoples’ rights, public debates.
6. Radio equipment (limited to 30% of total grant budget).
7. Community organizing related to Indigenous Peoples’ rights with radio as the main means to reach the community.
8. Community Radios mentoring or training other community radios.
Projects will be selected based on their creativity, self-sustainability, vision, and work regarding Indigenous rights and culture. The projects are to be completed in a period of 6 and 10 months and demonstrate how it will change an issue or a need within the radio and/or the community. Preference will be given to community radios that broadcast in Indigenous languages.
How to Apply - Concept Proposals
The call for proposals is now closed. You will be notified if you are selected to continue to the next phase by Nov. 15th.
The first phase of proposals is the submission of a letter, audio or video recording detailing the concept of the project. The letter should be limited to two pages and the recording should not exceed three minutes. If chosen, the community radio will be invited to develop a more developed proposal in Spanish or English only. The concept proposal application is designed to be accessible to Indigenous communities with different capacities.
The concept proposal, audio recording, written, or video shall include:
- Name of the community radio and brief history of its origin. Add links to website or facebook pages related to your radio/organization.
- Indigenous nation served by the radio, population, and population percentage served by this radio.
- What is the need of this community radio station or community?
- What is the project idea that addresses that need?
- A brief description of proposed activities
- At the end of the project, what do you expect to achieve?
- Budget request ($8,000.00 maximum). Prepare your budget in local currency and in US dollars.
For more information or to submit your concept letter or audio, contact: radio@cs.org
About Cultural Survival
Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience since 1972. We envision a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance.
Our work is predicated on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We engage opportunities to leverage our experience and leadership in advocacy, media, public education, programs, and in providing platforms to amplify and empower the voices of Indigenous Peoples as they work to claim their rights to self-determination, their lands, cultures, and precious ecosystems that are essential to the whole planet. Cultural Survival supports a movement of empowered Indigenous Peoples organizing their communities to engage the international processes, national policies and human rights bodies to respect, protect, and fulfill their rights.
What are other funding opportunities at Cultural Survival?
Look for our Call for Proposals for Youth Fellowships.
Look for our Call for Proposals for Training for Indigenous Women Journalists.