Marcus Briggs-Cloud (Maskoke) is a language revitalizer, scholar, musician and co-founder of Ekvn-Yefolecv (ee-gun yee-full-lee-juh): an off-grid, climate-positive, income-sharing ecovillage compromised of Indigenous Maskoke People who, after 180 years of displacement, returned to their homelands for the revitalization of their language and culture, and commitment to ecologically regenerative lifeways. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, he received a PhD in interdisciplinary ecology from the University of Florida’s School of Natural Resources and the Environment where his work intersected ecology, linguistics, genetics, ecofeminism and liberation theology. Marcus received awards for his Maskoke hymn album Pum Vculvke Vrakkuecetv, and in 2012 served as composer/choir director for the Vatican canonization liturgy with Pope Benedict XVI for Saint Kateri Tekakwitha. He is partnered to Tawna Little (Maskoke) and they have two children, Nokos-Afvnoke and Hemokke, with whom Marcus enjoys speaking exclusively in the Maskoke language.