Kelung Media Siber is a media platform run entirely by Minahasan youth. Kelung means "shield" or "guardian" in the Tombulu' language, and symbolizes the mission to protect and pass on our cultural heritage to future generations. Our ambitious goal is to create the first Indigenous media outlet that actively publishes engaging and relevant content. We believe that this style of content dissemination is the most effective in reaching audiences of all ages. In addition, we will produce audiovisual documentation to perpetuate our knowledge, ensuring that future generations can access and learn from our efforts.
This project aims to strengthen the local population's awareness of the mining activities that are taking away their land, polluting their river, and causing detrimental health. It will establish a new point person with the journalistic capacity to create a local movement to prevent further expansion of the mining area. By restoring a historical site near the mining area, we believe that the bond of the local Indigenous people will be stronger to protect their land, and by planting plants for ritual purposes at the border of their community, the border of the Indigenous territory will be firmer and more protected and people will be able to easily obtain materials for ritual purposes.
Website: www.kelung.id