Radio Mattoli functions as a platform to give voice to people who have less access to mass media or less opportunity to express their views on community development. Their activities will be featured in a magazine. CRM is the Information and Communication Technology wing of WSSS, a community radio station that was started in 2009 and is located in Dwaraka, five kilometers from Mananthavady. Its service area comprises the entire Wayanad district and several villages in the adjoining districts of Kannur, Malappuram, and Kozhikode, Kerala; Mysore, Karnataka; and Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.
The project will produce and broadcast a series of programs in the Paniya and Vettakuruma Tribal dialects. These programs will include public service announcements that will disseminate essential information on the prevention and mitigation of floods, landslides, and other natural disasters. In addition, live programs will facilitate interaction with the community. Another key component is training in responsible journalism for radio program producers, volunteers, and Tribal members. The funding will also be used to purchase small voice recorders to capture field reports from the affected areas. This initiative is expected to significantly improve resilience and community awareness, ensuring a timely and effective response to disasters.
Website: https://www.radiomattoli.com