The Ancestral Territories Network is a communication network composed of community media, community communicators, and community audiovisual producers. It was initially formed by several regional organizations: in northern Ecuador, the Audiovisual Producers of the Nationalities and Peoples of Sucumbíos (Shuar, Siona, Secoya, Kofán, Kichwa, Afro, and mestizo people); in the Amazon, Producers and Communicators of the Nationalities of Carchi and Esmeraldas; on the coast and the Ecuadorian highlands, Chachi Federation and Épera Federation; and in the northern highlands, the Association of Audiovisual Producers Kichwas.
The Network's objective is focused on the development and dissemination of educational and informative content for the strengthening of identities and intercultural dialogue, defense of territories, vindication of the right to plural communication with self-representation, development and exercise of human rights, and the rights of nature.
Their project, "Saying and Doing—Resilient Responses to Mitigate Climate Change," seeks to improve access to rural and Indigenous experiences on climate change and the processes followed in its implementation as a reference to raise awareness and implement environmentally friendly practices and alternative actions to mitigate climate change impacts that will lead to the reduction of our carbon footprint.
Social networks: Facebook