The community radio station Jlijualay Tsomé/Chontal Hills arose from a three-year process of articulated work between Tequio Jurídico, the Assembly of the Chontal People, and other organizations with extensive experience in community radio and journalism, including Cooperacha, Voces Nuestras de Costa Rica, Ojo de Agua Comunicación, and Rosa Luxemburgo. The station’s main objectives are to support the resistance of the Chontal Peoples against mining and other extractive projects and to strengthen the identity and organization of the Chontal Peoples, the defense of the rights of all Indigenous Peoples, and the defense of women's rights via their right to communication as part of their autonomy. Their project will carry out an exchange with another radio station to improve their technological skill and learn additional tools to be better broadcasters or community communicators. This exchange will form the basis for a strategic plan for next year.
Website: https://tequiojuridico.org/4033-2/