La Minga, the Voice of the Mocondinos, is a means of expression of the social and cultural reality of the ancestral territory of Mocondino (a municipality of Pasto, Colombia), disseminated through the voices of its own citizens, especially young people and women. It contributes to the defense of territory and water, denouncing the threats facing the Mocondino from the uncontrolled advance of urbanization. It also informs the Indigenous and campesino community about daily and special events and disseminates news from the Indigenous council.
Their project seeks to make visible the community’s processes through weaving collective memory and knowledge, and to strengthen the team of La Minga by bolstering the participation of young people covering the processes of community groups. The project will create and publish the second issue of La Minga, La Voz de los Mocondinos; establish a radio production center; and the create content for social media on the topics of memory and identity, culture and traditions, land use planning issues, Mocondino's own economy and development, and local knowledge.
Social networks: Facebook