Indigenous Community Radio and Grantmaking in Nepal
Learn about the Indigenous community radio movement and how our Community Media Grants Project is promoting Indigenous voices in Nepal by providing opportunities for international Indigenous radio stations to strengthen their broadcast infrastructure and systems, and provides training opportunities in journalism, broadcasting, audio editing, technical skills and more to Indigenous community radio journalists around the world.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Cultural Survival
2067 Massachusetts Ave.
2nd floor (Arthur D. Nelson Conference Room)
Cambridge, MA 02140
Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Kumar/Sunuwar), Cultural Survival Community Media Grants Project Program Associate
Mark Camp, Cultural Survival Deputy Executive Director
RSVP to mvitello@cs.org.
Dev Kumar Sunuwar, Cultural Survival Community Media Grants Project Assistant, comes from Koĩts-Sunuwar Indigenous community in Nepal. He holds masters degrees in journalism and mass communication, political science, and law, specializing in international law and human rights from Tribhuvan University in Nepal. He has worked in different media for more than 12 print, radio, TV and online. He also has worked as an investigative reporter for Centre for Investigative Journalism, Nepal (CIJ-Nepal) also was a column writer on Indigenous Peoples and minority groups for mainstream newspapers. Recently, in order to increase the voice of Indigenous Peoples,together with his colleagues, he founded community radios and also Association of 21 Indigenous community radio network and more importantly, Nepal’s/South Asia’s first and only Indigenous community television station.
Strengthening Local Indigenous Voices through Community Radio Grants.
Hear about how Cultural Survival’s Community Media Grants Project is making an impact in Indigenous communities around the globe by assisting community radio development.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Cultural Survival
2067 Massachusetts Ave.
2nd floor (Arthur D. Nelson Conference Room)
Cambridge, MA 02140
Avexnim Cojti (Maya K’iche’), Cultural Survival Community Radio Grants Program Manager
Mark Camp, Cultural Survival Deputy Executive Director
Avexnim Cojtí is Maya from Guatemala, a Sociologist with a diploma in Indigenous Government Studies and a Masters degree in Public Administration. She is currently managing the Cultural Survival Community Radio Grants Program and works with radio producers as part of the Indigenous Rights Radio Program. She currently lives in her community of Chichicastenango, and is locally involved in community radio initiatives, Maya health projects, and access to water for her community.
RSVP to mvitello@cs.org.