Avexnim Cojti, Project Manager
avexnim@cs.org +502 4934-1524
Agnes Portalewska, Communcations Manager
agnes@cs.org +011-617 441 5400 x14
Cultural Survival Stands in Solidarity with the Citizens of Guatemala
Cambridge, Massachusetts – August 29, 2017. Cultural Survival stands in solidarity with the citizens of Guatemala and requests that Iván Velásquez is not removed from the International Commission Against Impunity/Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG).
Cultural Survival is an organization that promotes Indigenous Peoples’ rights around the world. In light of the recent situation created by the worrisome decision of the President of Guatemala to declare Commissioner Iván Velázquez, head of the CICIG, to be a persona non grata, Cultural Survival stands in solidarity with the the citizens of Guatemala. We make known:
1st. Our full support and recognition of the work of esteemed Commissioner Iván Velásquez who has fulfilled, with the highest level of capacity, impartiality, and good will, his functions to carry out the commitments of the CICIG. Commissioner Iván Velásquez set important precedents in investigations and in the application of justice in cases of corruption and impunity, which resulted in the resignation of the previous president of Guatemala and his vice-president. Commissioner Velásquez also contributed to the dismantling of criminal structures in various public institutions. We also recognize and value the important work of the Attorney General, Thelma Aldana, who leads the Public Ministry/Ministerio Publico, and has in every case supported and facilitated the work of the CICIG.
2nd. We express our concern about the arbitrary application of the law and the apparent looting of the resources of the State. We are concerned that the government is using legal structures to protect those who perpetrate corruption and impunity.
3rd. We call on President Jimmy Morales to reconsider and revoke his removal of Commissioner Iván Velásquez from the CICIG, complying with the provisional protection guaranteed by the Constitutional Court.
4th. We stand in solidarity with and urge the Maya, Garifuna, Xinca and Ladino communities to continue to defend their rights to live in a country free from corruption, where human rights are respected, especially the right to freedom of expression of mass media as well as alternative media. Now, vigilance and unity of the diverse social sectors is needed to secure justice, transparency, and good governance--the bases of real democracy in the country.
5th. We call on the international community to be vigilant and stay informed about this situation, supporting the efforts in process to guarantee a stable institutional framework that strengthens the rule of law. We reiterate our commitment to the promotion and defense of human rights in Guatemala, especially for Indigenous Peoples, through our work to advance the right of freedom of expression.