Cultural Survival stands in solidarity with the Mapuche Tehuelche Peoples of the Lof Paillako community in Chubut, Argentina, whose forced eviction has been momentarily suspended pending a decision in a federal court. However, the situation remains critical. Individuals, believed to be acting on behalf of powerful interests with stakes in the area, fired gunshots at the community’s rukas (traditional houses) after the legal decision was made and have been seen patrolling the area on horseback and in vehicles ever since. This is particularly alarming given that children live on these lands.
The Lof Paillako community continues to face threats of violence and displacement as they strive to reclaim their ancestral lands in what is now Los Alerces National Park. Cultural Survival supports their fight against the ongoing racist and institutional violence perpetrated by both provincial and federal governments. The systematic refusal of the judiciary and the National Parks Administration to recognize their rights, along with deliberate acts of violence, reveal a clear intent to push the community off their territory in favor of powerful landowners.
These actions reflect a broader pattern of persecution across Argentina. In Río Negro, the Lof Rinconada Inalef and Lof Quemquemtrew communities also face eviction and violent attacks. Earlier in 2024, community member Juan Carlos Villa was killed by police and gendarmerie forces during an operation near El Bolsón, and his son Emanuel was seriously injured. Both communities continue to face threats of displacement and criminalization.
Cultural Survival calls on the international community to remain vigilant and respond to any further acts of repression against the Lof Paillako (Chubut), Lof Rinconada Inalef (Río Negro), Lof Quemquemtrew (Río Negro), and other persecuted Indigenous communities. We urge the Argentinian authorities to end the criminalization and persecution of the Mapuche Tehuelche Peoples, respect Indigenous rights, and engage in dialogue to protect the lives and self-determination of these communities.
Communication channels with the Mapuche Lof Paillako community:
Email: red.apoyo.pailako@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paillakolof