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Mishelle Calle, Bazaar Program Assistant, is from a rural parish in Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador. She studied Law at the Universidad del Azuay, followed by Constitutional Law at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, and a Master’s in Human Rights at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Nuremberg, Germany. An environmental and human rights activist, she has worked as a lawyer for various Indigenous and campesino communities in Ecuador. She has contributed to the defense of territorial rights and collective rights. Additionally, she has been involved in integrating a human rights and gender perspective in both public and private programs. Mishelle is also a co-founder of the Warmi Muyu project, which seeks dignified alternatives for women facing the impacts of extractivism in Ecuador. She is a member of the Bordadoras Autoconvocadas por la Resistencia, a collective that redefines embroidery as a tool of resistance and a safe space for women. Reach Mishelle at