Image courtesy of MA Indigenous Legislative Agenda
It's time to recognize that celebrating the life of Christopher Columbus also celebrates the erasure of Indigenous existence. While there is a growing movement around the country to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day, more work remains to be done. We are excited to share some local and national events celebrating Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Peoples Day.
Events in Massachusetts: Please click here for updates
Compiled by Indigenous Peoples Day MA and Italian Americans for Indigenous Peoples Day. Events will continue to be added as information becomes available. To include your event on this list, please email ItaliansforIPD@gmail.com.
Watertown Celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day 2023
October 1, 1:30-5 pm | WATERTOWN, MA | In-person event
This free event will feature Indigenous musicians, artists, foods, crafts, and vendors. Performers include the Nettukkusqk Singers, Brock Stonefish, the Eastern Sun Drummers and Dancers, and more. Deborah Moorehead, Hartman Deetz, Leslie Tuplin and other Indigenous artisans will be selling their work. Belmont Bookstore will be selling books by and about Indigenous peoples.
Hosmer Elementary School, 1 Concord Rd., Watertown, MA 02472
Sponsored by the Pigsgusset Initiative.
Full event details here.
Building Indigenous Sovereignty Through Community | Brandeis University
October 5, 6-8 pm | WALTHAM, MA | In-person with virtual option
This event will begin with a few words about the Mass. Center for Native American Awareness by board member Dawn Duncan (Cherokee & Powhatan heritage). Keynote speaker, Eva Blake (Citizen of the Assonet Band of the Wampanoag Nation) will speak on “Indigenous Language Reclamation” followed by a Community Round Dance led by Indigenous Professor Evangelina Macias. The program will conclude with a Community Meal for all. RSVP is required for in-person attendance. A zoom option is also available.
Brandeis Intercultural Center, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA
Sponsored by the Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness.
RSVP here.
Honoring Native America
October 6, 7:30 pm | GREAT BARRINGTON, MA | In-person event
This participatory event will feature performances by and discussions with Native American flute player R. Carlos Nakai, Mohican storyteller Shawn Stevens, and Indigenous Peacemaker Cheryl Fairbanks, Esq, renowned Indigenous Peacemaker.
Mahaiwe Theater, 14 Castle St., Great Barrington, MA 01230
Sponsored by Alliance for a Viable Future
Full event listing and other IPD weekend events here.
Boston Indigenous Peoples Day March
October 7, 12-3 pm | BOSTON, MA | In-person event
Help send the message loud and clear that we must honor and acknowledge the Indigenous history of Massachusetts, as well as the continued presence of Indigenous peoples throughout the state. It is time for the MA State Legislature to pass bills to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day statewide, ban Native mascots, and more!
March starts at Park St. MBTA Station by Boston Common
Sponsored by Indigenous Peoples Day MA, United American Indians of New England, North American Indian Center of Boston, Cultural Survival, MA Indigenous Legislative Agenda, New Democracy Coalition, Italian Americans for Indigenous Peoples Day
Full event details here.
Indigenous Peoples Day Observance
October 7, 10-3 pm | NEWBURYPORT, MA | In-person event
A free, family friendly outdoor gathering to celebrate contemporary Indigenous cultures, arts, and diversity. Opening ceremonies followed by Indigenous music, drumming, dance, storytelling, cultural presentations, artisans, family activities, and more.
Waterfront Park, 35 Merrimac St., Newburyport, MA 01950
Sponsored by the First Religious Society, Imagine Studios and more.
Full event details here.
IPD Celebration with the Red Hawk Singers & Dancers
October 8, 1-3 pm | BEDFORD, MA | In-person event
This free, multi-town, all-ages celebration will feature songs, dances and teachings led by this popular Mashpee Wampanoag performing group. Local artisans Claudia Fox Tree (Arawak/Yurumein) of Arawak Design and Xochi Kountz of Crafts for Justice will also share their work. Disabled American Veterans will provide free transportation from locations across the state. For more info, visit DAVMA.org.
Middlesex Community College Quad, 591 Springs Rd., Bedford, MA, 01730
Sponsored by the Bedford Parents Diversity Council, Indigenous Peoples Day Bedford, VA Bedford HCS, Middlesex Community College, Bedford Embraces Diversity, Bedford Youth and Family Services, Lexington Human Rights Committee, Indivisible Acton Area, Indivisible LAB (Lexington, Arlington, Belmont & Beyond), Maynard Anti-Racism Alliance
Event flier here.
Tufts Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration
October 8, 1-6 pm | MEDFORD, MA | In-person event
This event will feature Indigenous speakers, performers, and foods. Students, community members, and the general public are welcome to attend. No registration required.
Tufts University, Residential Quad by the Olin patio, 180 Packard Ave., Medford, MA 02155
Sponsored by the Indigenous Students Organization at Tufts.
Indigenous Peoples Day Ceremonial Celebration
October 9, 11-5 PM | NEWTON, MA | In-person event
All are welcome to attend this free, family-friendly, Indigenous led, volunteer-run, event. Enjoy great music, cultural dances, presentations, meet local Indigenous vendors and non-profits, and eat delicious food.
Albemarle Field, Newton, MA 02460
Full event details here.
Concord Museum Indigenous Peoples Day Family Program
Institute of Contemporary Art
October 9, 10-5 PM | BOSTON, MA | In-person event
Free admission for all. Timed tickets are required and can be reserved starting at 10 am on Sunday, Oct. 8 here.
25 Harbor Shore Drive, Boston, MA 02210
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Indigenous Peoples Day Open House
October 9, 10-5 PM | BOSTON, MA | In-person event
Free admission, gallery tours, family art-making activities, and more.
465 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115
Full event details here.
Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration
October 9, 2-5 pm | BROOKLINE, MA | In-person event
This family friendly event will feature Indigenous speakers, Indigenous art and craft vendors, advocacy organizations, and food from local restaurants.
Town Hall, 333 Washington St., Brookline, MA 02445
Sponsored by the Brookline Indigenous Peoples Celebration Committee and the Brookline Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Relations.
Full event details here.
Concord Museum Indigenous Peoples Day Family Program with the Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers
October 9, 10-11 am | CONCORD, MA | In-person event
Experience traditional Eastern Woodlands social songs and dances performed by artists from the tribal nations of Mashpee and Aquinnah.
Concord Museum, 53 Cambridge Turnpike, Concord, MA 01742
Register here.
Wisdom Keeping: Abenaki Stories and Storytelling
October 9, 1-3 pm | IPSWICH, MA | In-person event
Community members of all ages will enjoy a journey through a series of traditional Northeast Woodlands lesson stories with Abenaki storyteller Anne Jennison.
Castle Hill, Crane Estate, 290 Argilla Rd., Ipswich, MA 01938
Sponsored by the Trustees.
Full event details here.
Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration with the Eastern Suns Drummers and Dancers
October 9, 11 am | MARBLEHEAD, MA | In-person event
This Mashpee-based performance group honors the sacredness of sound as means of healing and community building. Free and open to community members of all ages.
Lee Mansion Garden, 161 Washington St., Marblehead, MA 01945
Sponsored by the Marblehead Indigenous Peoples Day Committee, Marblehead Museum, and the Marblehead Cultural Council.
Full event details here.
Indigenous Peoples Day Newton Ceremonial Celebration
October 9, 11-5 pm | NEWTON, MA | In-person event
An outdoor, family-oriented celebration of Indigenous culture, art, and history. This Indigenous-organized, annual event will feature music and dancing, cultural presentations, artists, traditional foods, and more. Over 50 Indigenous vendors, artists, and organizations will be represented! Open to all. Numerous accessibility measures will be in place, including ASL interpreters, an accessible viewing and elder area, a sensory friendly/quiet zone, and more.
Albemarle Field, 250 Albemarle Rd., Newton, MA 02460
Sponsored by Indigenous Peoples Day Newton
Full event details here.
Peabody Essex Museum Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration
October 9, 10-4 pm | SALEM, MA | In-person event
Activities for all ages include screenings of the soon to be released second season of the PBS documentary Native America and art making projects with the Museum’s Native American Fellowship program alumnae Melissa Flamand (Nêhiyâw-iskwêw (Cree) and Anishinaabekwe (Chippewa)) and Rachel Morris (Oglala Lakota).
161 Essex St., Salem, MA 01970
Full event details here.
Winchester Indigenous Peoples Day Family Celebration
October 9, 10-Noon | WINCHESTER, MA | In-person event
Drop in to Wright Locke Farm between 10-noon for this family event featuring an intergenerational tie net-making activity with Jonathan James Perry (Aquinnah Wampanoag), 3 sisters planting activity, sumac sampling, farm tours, storybook readings about Indigenous people and cultures, and more.
Wright-Locke Farm, 78 Ridge St., Winchester, MA 01890
Sponsored by the Network for Social Justice, FAN of Winchester, Wright-Locke Farm, Winchester Co-operative Bank.
Event link coming soon.
Berklee College of Music Indigenous Peoples Day Event
October 12, 11 am | BOSTON, MA | In-person event
This free event will feature talks and performances by a variety of musicians, dancers, scholars, and writers.
David Friend Recital Hall, 921 Boylston St., Boston, MA 02115
Full event details here.
Shelburne Historical Society Recognizes Indigenous Peoples Day
October 15, 11-4 pm | SHELBURNE, MA | In-person event
This event will feature artisans and performers from local Indigenous nations.
33 Severance St., Shelburne Falls, MA 01370
Full event details here.
Events Nationwide:
Annual Alcatraz Sunrise Ceremony on Indigenous People’s Day 2023
Monday, October 09, 2023 3:15 AM - 8:15 AM
Organized by the International Indian Treaty Council
In-person: Pier 33 Alcatraz Landing, then ferry to Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay