15th November 2022 | COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh
Statement by the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC)
Delivered by: Cristina Coc, Maya Q’eqchi of Belize, Central America
Excellences, Indigenous Peoples live the wrath of Climate Change even though we are the least responsible for global warming. We continue to champion the solutions necessary, despite ongoing colonialism and subjugation. As high-level negotiations move forward, we present our urgent positions to ensure meaningful and effective outcomes from this year’s “Implementation COP”.
On Article 6.4, we urge Parties to object to the recommendations of the Supervisory Body on the basis that it falls short of respect for human rights and the rights of indigenous people. More time and a mandate to deliver recommendations with high integrity methodologies is needed.
In Adaptation, there is no consideration of the critical situation of Indigenous Peoples and their traditional lands, leading to inadequate support and financing for Indigenous strategies and solutions. We recommend further integration of our indigenous knowledge systems and practices in all adaptation actions. We also warn against Nature Based Solutions becoming a false solution, by failing to incorporate the meaningful leadership of Indigenous Peoples.
When it comes to Loss and Damage, language in the Cover Decision should account for averting loss and damage, non-economic loss and damages, and uphold the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples.
On Climate Finance, it is imperative that all financial mechanisms leave no one behind. Successful climate change solutions will require that resources be distributed in a manner that uplifts our rights, distinct lifeways, worldviews and Indigenous sciences. To this point, we call for the effective participation of Indigenous peoples in shaping and developing climate financing mechanisms. Additionally, countries should be accountable to report where climate finances go.
Furthermore, global leaders for climate change must fully understand the distinction between Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. Indigenous Peoples have a body of recognized rights, an organized and steadfast constituency with livelihoods inextricably linked to nature and an undeniable stewardship.
Mr. President, we call upon the Parties and climate financing mechanisms to give us the support, and resources we need to act collectively. Our world needs courageous leaders that build the linkage between human rights, the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and meaningful climate action. There is no effective climate action without Indigenous Peoples. I thank you!