13 Things You Can Do on International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is observed on August 9 each year to promote and protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples around the world. The date commemorates the first United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations meeting in Geneva in 1982.
We encourage you to observe the day by gaining a better understanding of Indigenous issues around the world, by listening to Indigenous voices, and by reflecting on the vital achievements and contributions that Indigenous Peoples make to the world, such as understanding and stewardship of the environment we all share.
This year’s theme is COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples’ resilience.
1. Listen to Our Latest Indigenous Rights Radio Programs and Podcasts:
International Day Of The Worlds Indigenous Peoples 2020 - A Conversation With Francisco Cali Tzay
Indigenous Rights Radio program producer Dev Kumar Sunuwar caught up with Francisco Cali Tzay, the newly appointed UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples who discussed COVID-19’s impacts on Indigenous communities.
Professor Michael Yellowbird on Indigenous Peoples And Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Well-being
Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas 2020
Francisco Cali Tzay, Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, ha presentado su primer estudio formal centrado en el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en los derechos humanos de los pueblos Indígenas. ¿Qué países han sufrido más este impacto? ¿Tenemos motivos para celebrar el día internacional de los pueblos Indígenas este año?
2. Share our COVID-19 Prevention Manuals for Indigenous Community Radio Stations.
Cultural Survival has produced a prevention manual to support the essential activities of community radio stations, including general guidelines for good communication going beyond prevention. The manual is currently available in 56 Indigenous languages.
3. Share our COVID-19 Public Service Announcements in 99 Indigenous Languages
Through our Indigenous Rights Radio program we have sourced, produced, disseminated, and translated 284 Public Service Announcements for preventative measures against COVID-19 into 99 Indigenous languages and distributed through 1200+ radio stations globally.
4. Support Indigenous artists by shopping online via our virtual Cultural Survival Bazaar.
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5. Read our latest edition of the Cultural Survival Quarterly, devoted to Indigenous health and well-being.
6. Learn more about our grassroots partners:
Meet our 2020 Indigenous Community Media Youth Fellows who are leading the way towards strengthening their communities through their own self-expression.
Our Community Media Grants Project recently provided grants to 21 radio stations that are urgently creating and distributing radio programs about COVID-19 prevention, food sovereignty, community health, alternative economy, and entrepreneurship.
Our Keepers of the Earth Fund has launched an emergency grant-making process that provides small, direct grants for urgent, community-centered projects, using Indigenous, place-based solutions. 17 communities were supported and we are currently in the process of distributing 10 more grants.
7. Donate to Indigenous-led solutions,
and ask your friends to donate. www.cs.org/donate
8. Take Action to Protect Indigenous Land Defenders
State celebrations of Indigenous culture and and folklore is an empty gesture when those same governments are complicit in ongoing attacks against Indigenous lives. Read about the recent abduction of Afro-Indigenous Garifuna land defenders in Honduras and sign a petition to demand their release.
9. Learn about Indigenous Language Poetry
To highlight Indigenous language literature and poetry, the Ajtz'ib Collective of Kaqchikele writers is organizing a series of virtual recitals in Indigenous languages within the framework of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples. Meet with 20 Indigenous poets and writers who will share their works. En espanol.
10. Attend Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact's Webinar Series
On August 5-7, 2020. Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) is organizing a webinar series: "Self-determination and Democratization: Where are we heading?” Learn more.
11. Attend the Organization of American States' Inter-American Week of Indigenous Peoples.
The Office of the Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) is holding the 2020 Inter-American Week of Indigenous Peoples virtually from Wednesday, August 5 to Wednesday, August 12 under the theme: COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples’ Resilience. Learn more.
12. Visit the UN’s International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples website.
On Twitter, follow #WeAreIndigenous and @UN4Indigenous for news and updates.
Virtual Commemoration: Monday, August 10, 2020, 9:00- 11:00 am EST
13. Attend a Conversation with UN Special Rapporteurs on Indigenous Peoples, Water, and Climate Change
To commemorate the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, on August 7, 4PM CEST, the UNDP-SIWI Water Governance Facility (WGF) will host an online dialogue highlighting the role of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge and perspectives in sustainable water management and climate change, and what other communities could learn from them. Register here