New England's premier global Indigenous arts festival is happening online on July 25!
Register in advance for this event here.
For 46 years, Cultural Survival has organized the Cultural Survival Bazaars by hosting Indigenous artists from across the world. Cultural Survival Bazaars are a series of cultural festivals that provide Indigenous artists, cooperatives, and their representatives from around the world the chance to sell their work directly to the U.S. public.
As COVID-19 threatens the livelihoods of Indigenous artists. Indigenous communities experience alarming rates of inequities and systemic discrimination, including limited to no access to information, holistic medical care, medical supplies, food, housing and more. Additionally, Indigenous Peoples are nearly three times as likely to live in extreme poverty and likely to suffer negative outcomes from infectious diseases. Many Indigenous Peoples also experience disproportionate rates of malnutrition, pre-existing health conditions and lack of access to culturally relevant information, quality healthcare, housing, and clean drinking water.
Cultural Survival has pivoted online to ensure the continuity of the Bazaars which supports the economic sovereignty of Indigenous artists and their communities. The Cultural Survival Bazaar, a premier cultural festival, is shifting to a virtual celebration and sales platform to continue providing support Indigenous artists, cooperatives, and their communities from around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. You are invited to join us and shop online on Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 12 pm EST for our first Virtual Bazaar!
Enjoy presentations from some of your favorite Indigenous artists and get a chance to buy beautiful art.
“The GuateMaya Art and Culture Connection is grateful and honored to be part of the Cultural Survival Bazaars. The Bazaars are the foundation of our business and being able to support the artists and artisans we work with. Especially during these challenging times when there is no tourist trade and other outlets are shut down, they are depending on the sales we generate from this virtual bazaar. The Bazaars are also much more than just a place to shop unique items you cannot find anywhere else – they are an experience of a community of incredible artists and artisans from around the world and an opportunity to have an intimate taste of other cultures and meet some wonderful people. We hope to 'see' you there,” stated Imre and Lorna Kepes, founders of GuateMaya Art and Culture Connection.
Ongyel from US Sherpa inviting people to the Virtual Cultural Survival BazaarYou are invited to join us on Saturday, July 25, 2020 starting at 12pm for our first Virtual Bazaar! Cultural Survival Bazaars are a series of cultural festivals that provide Indigenous artists, cooperatives, and their representatives from around the world the chance to sell their work directly to the U.S. public. We welcome vendors representing over 1551 artists from over 21 cultures. Their work will span various styles and forms, including handwoven textiles, natural fiber bags, kitchenware, jewelry, paintings,, scarves, clothing, woodwork, and more! Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_g9FS788CQkC6x0Q3M8NJ5A
Posted by Cultural Survival on Wednesday, July 15, 2020
COVID-19 threatens the sustainability of the Cultural Survival Bazaars. We need your support now to help us make a successful pivot online to ensure the continuity of the Bazaars you have known and loved for years. Please shop and donate!
**Because 100% of sales go directly to Indigenous artists, we rely on you to help cover Cultural Survival's costs to host this event. Donate at bazaar.cs.org/donate.
This event will also be streamed live on Facebook and Youtube.
Register in advance for this event here.
About Cultural Survival:
Cultural Survival is an Indigenous-led NGO and U.S. registered non-profit that advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures, and political resilience, since 1972. For 48 years, Cultural Survival has partnered with Indigenous communities to advance Indigenous Peoples' rights and cultures worldwide. We envision a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance. The core of our efforts rest on the principles of supporting, amplifying efforts and raising awareness of self-determination for Indigenous communities.
Cultural Survival has curated a robust network of partnerships with Indigenous communities spanning over 70 countries on 6 continents. Our work is predicated on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) where we work to empower Indigenous Peoples as they strive to assert their rights to self-determination and sustain their lands, cultures, and vital ecosystems that are essential to the health of our planet and all living things. Additionally, Cultural Survival has deep connections and influence across movements, sectors, governmental agencies, and international mechanisms like the United Nations, where we have held consultative status with the United Nations Economic Social and Cultural Council since 2005. We support grassroots Indigenous solutions to protect, respect and fulfill the rights of Indigenous communities and our approach centers traditional knowledge to restore balance in the natural world. Based in Cambridge, MA, we have 24 staff based in 9 countries; our staff is majority women, and both staff and board are majority Indigenous— we are a true reflection of the communities we serve. For more information, visit: www.cs.org