Proud to Be Indigenous Week Starts Monday, April 22, 2019
En Español
Indigenous Peoples from around the world will be descending on New York City for the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) from April 22-May 3. While most of us can’t make it to New York, our voices need to be heard! Our goal is to create a storm of online activity during UNPFII so that Indigenous voices everywhere are heard.
This year’s theme is “Traditional knowledge: Generation, transmission and protection.” We’ll be focusing on language and community media and all that encompasses – history, stories, music, communication, connections, and more.
Listen to previous interviews conducted at the UNPFII
Programas en español
If you are attending the UNPFII come to these events! If you can't make it follow us on @CSORG on twitter and facebook.com/culturalsurvival for live coverage of UNPFII events.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019 12:15-1:45pm
Traditional Knowledge - Indigenous Territories and Food Sovereignty
UNDP Rio Room FF Building,
304 E 45th St, 9th Fl, New York, NY 10017
Hear success stories and best practices from Indigenous communities who are utilizing traditional knowledge (TK) to protect their lands and territories and steward agricultural production and food sovereignty. Learn about Mayan communities in Belize collectively administering their territories, how Amazonian Indigenous Peoples are implementing their "life plans" to safeguard the Sacred Headwaters region of the Amazon, and about communities in Southern Mexico using TK on their lands to maintain food sovereignty in the face of climate change. For more information, contact: miriam@amazonwatch.org
Co-sponsors: Amazon Watch, Maya Leaders Alliance, Shipibo Conibo Center, Cultural Survival
Wednesday, April 24, 2019 2:00 – 3:30pm
The State of Indigenous Community Media Globally
UNDP Rio Room
1 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Hear about how community media, especially community radio is contributing to Indigenous rights, environmental protection, identity and language revitalization asserted by UNDRIP Article 16. Cultural Survival will discuss a new study on the state of Indigenous radio in Mexico, the Indigenous Media Caucus will discuss its plan for a website and a global study on the state of Indigenous media worldwide. Our guest Melquiades Cruz, representing our partner Radio Bue Xhidza in Oaxaca, México will present on the role of community media in their territory and its role to propose alternatives to the social, economic, cultural and environmental needs of their community to reach a happy, simple and sustainable life.
Co-sponsors: Indigenous Media and Communications Caucus; Cultural Survival, The Network of Central American Indigenous Community Radio Stations
Thursday, April 25, 2019 6:30-8:00pm
Rights to Indigenous Communications: «Honoring our cultures, languages and traditions through digital storytelling»
UN Headquarters, Conference Room 6
405 East 42nd Street
New York, New York
Connecting through digital storytelling with the showcasing of indigenous short films and panel discussion. Preservation, transmission and collaborative partnerships will be the focus themes of this interactive event.
Co- Sponsors: Wapikoni Mobile - CLACPI, Indigenous Global Media Caucus, Cultural Survival & Isuma TV
Friday, April 26, 2019 2:00-3:30pm
Using International Human Rights Mechanisms for Indigenous Advocacy: UPR 3rd cycle, SDGs and VNRs
UNDP Amartya Sen Room
FF Building, 304 E 45th St, 10th Fl
New York, New York
Learn about the 3rd cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process and how it can aid in your advocacy efforts and put pressure on governments to respect Indigenous Peoples' rights. Learn how to mobilize movement beyond measuring and monitoring to realize rights in the global mechanisms of the UPR, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Voluntary National Reviews.
Co-sponsors: Cultural Survival, International Network for Diplomacy & Indigenous Governance Engaging in Nonviolence Organizing for Understanding & Self-Determination (INDIGENOUS).
Indigenous Media Zone:
The following panels will be live-streamed. Tune in!
Tuesday, April 23⋅2:00 – 3:00pm
IMZ Panel: Indigenous youth in media: Using community media to transmit traditional knowledge in our communities.
Wednesday, April 24⋅11:45am – 12:45pm
IMZ Panel: State of Indigenous Community Radio in Central America: Overcoming legal barriers to Indigenous community media
Friday, April 26⋅ 4:00 – 5:00pm
IMZ Panel: Challenge and Success for Indigenous Peoples in Belize
We want Indigenous People to post photos and videos expressing why they are Proud To Be Indigenous with the hashtag #Proud2BIndigenous on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We want people to share stories and celebrate their Indigenous culture. And we want Indigenous People from around the world to connect with each other. Proud to Be Indigenous is about you, and making your voice heard.
How can you get involved? It’s easy, no matter where you are.
Take a photo of yourself with your homemade #Proud2BIndigenous sign. Then post them on the our Facebook page with a message telling us your name, your People, the language(s) you speak and where you live.
If you are on Twitter, tweet your photo using the hashtag #Proud2BIndigenous or #P2BI and we will retweet it.
And if you only have email, just email the photo to agnes@cs.org and we will share it for you.
Not Indigenous? We still want you to join us! We believe that everyone has the right to be proud of their communities, heritage, and traditions. Unfortunately, this right has been denied to Indigenous Peoples for so long. We all need to band together to celebrate and protect our common humanity and all the beautiful cultures of this earth. So take a picture with a sign saying that you’re a proud supporter of Indigenous Peoples and we’ll post it too!
During P2BI Weeks, we’ll be focusing on a different topic every day. Check out the schedule so you can join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter, or email us your stories and experiences!
Monday (4/16) - Share your Indigenous languages!
Tuesday (4/17) - Indigenous lands, territories, and resources
Wednesday (4/18) - Indigenous Rights Protect Us All!
Thursday (4/19) - Honoring Indigenous women, youth and children
Friday (4/20) - Increasing Indigenous Participation
Follow this link for a super-easy way to join the campaign – you can create your own custom P2BI photo! You can also share your photos using Facebook and Twitter, and even add your own Facebook banner!
And make sure you are following us on Facebook, Twitter, and our website because during the week, we will be sharing Indigenous stories and news coming out of UNPFII.
If you are associated with an organization, please let us know so that we can add you to our coalition! Coalition members help support P2BI by spreading the word to your audience. Additionally, if you plan on hosting any events leading up to or during UNPFII, we will gladly help spread the word about them! Just email agnes@cs.org or with the details.